The eye of the hurricane

My husband reminded me that the eye of a hurricane is calm. The skies are clear and the wind is light.

I could take that as the hurricane tricks you into thinking it’s over for the short time the eye passes over and then it starts all over again. Sounds a lot like me, a sinner, who tries her hardest to be better and is for a short time but then falls back into the same routine. My husband says I’m being too hard on myself, but maybe he’s just more forgiving.

My husband had a different analogy to the eye of the hurricane and his wife. He says he loves me because I may be stormy sometimes but at my core I am totally different than my outer self. He says I’m caring and loving, that I’m a great mom and a faithful wife. That I am not stuck feeling settled with who I am but am always looking to improve myself. Wow, I sure am blessed to have found a tortoise and not another hurricane to share this life with. My tortiose is quite charming.

Anyway, what would happen if two hurricanes collided?

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25 NIV

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